Arjun Raj
Undergrad @ ANU • ML Researcher @ TIME Lab • Junior Software Developer @ NatureHelm • live ⇄ learn ⇄ laugh

Hi there, thanks for stopping by! 👋
I’m a third-year undergraduate research student at the Australian National University, with a keen focus on computer science research. I am also a researcher at the TIME Lab and work as a Junior Software Developer at NatureHelm.
As a CS researcher, I’m broadly interested in all aspects of machine learning, and particularly in computer vision, image/video analysis, deep learning and action recognition. Currently, I’m exploring ‘motion-centric’ topics under the supervision of Dr. Lei Wang. Additionally, I’m starting to serve as a Reviewer for conferences, beginning with ICASSP.
As a software developer, I am proficient in a range of technologies, including Python, Java, SQL, AWS, MS Power Tools, TensorFlow, and PyTorch. I have experience working on various projects, with strong expertise in backend development and data science, and a solid understanding of most technologies. I have also developed workflows using automation tools like Power Automate, implementing systems such as multi-level purchase approvals with tracking UI and site publication notifications.
In my spare time, I enjoy playing sports (mostly running and ultimate frisbee), watching F1 and cricket, traveling, and going on hikes with friends and family. I also enjoy gazing at the blue sky during the day.
In the future, I aim to contribute influential research that advances the field of machine learning, focusing on innovative solutions to address real-world problems. My goal is to develop tools and methodologies that shape the future of AI and leave a lasting impact on both academia and industry.